It's weird how doing something as small as trimming her bangs changes her whoel looks.
Now heres Caiden 4 year ago on October 10th 2003. He got his first haircut at my grandpas barber shop.
Look at that ornery face! He loved playing in the bottom of my stove and throwing all my pots and pans everywhere. It really doesn't seem like 4 years has already passed.
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Heres Hailey sitting in her favorite chair eating her crackers. She looks so big in this picture. Her hair has grown so much in the past couple months. I love it! I can finally put it up in a ponytail or in pigtails without having it stick strait up on her head. I am actually going to be scheduling her first haircut next week to get her bangs out of her eyes.
She really is our little princess! We love our Hailey!!!
and this year i put him infront of the same tree on his first day of school to take his picture. I can't believe how much he has grown. His baby face is gone and now he is my hansome little man!
While we were watching the hippos they started fighting. Caiden thought it was so cool. I should've gotten some pics of it but i was too busy holding the kids. It kinda scared Hailey alittle when they were splashing and biting each other.
I can't wait to take the kids this winter to the lights before christman display. They decorate the whole zoo for christmas and have santa there to get the kids pictures taken with. We did this a couple years ago with Caiden but this will be the first year for Hailey.
Wish me luck, I start my new job today. I'm excited but at the same time i don't want to be away from the kids. I will only be working about 3 days a week but it is really going to be hard because i'll be working in the evening. I have finally gotten both kids on a nightly routine of supper, playing, baths and bedtime and now i won't be getting home till about 10:oopm so i'll have to see how it goes. I'll post tommorrow on how everything went!
She even wore them yesterday while she help (or helped make a mess) me and caiden make chocolate chip cookies. This is one of Caidens favorite things to do. I set all the ingredients on the floor, so he can reach without standing on a chair, then i measure everything out and he pours them into the bowls and stirs. He loves eating the dough. Hailey wanted to do everything her big brother was doing. She had her own little spoon and was helping stir. They got a ton of flour on the floor and Caiden thought it would be funny for him and Hailey to roll in it. I didn't really find the humor in it:)
This was last night at around midnight when we finally got home. He was exhausted. He had to sleep on the couch so we could keep him elevated and wake him every 2-3 hours to check on him.
I took these pictures this morning. It really looks so much better already. I was so scared when it first happened. It was so swollen It didn't even look like a nose.
Caiden was so funny. When looking at the cows he asked what that thing was that was hanging between their legs so i told him thats where our milk came from, he was kinda discusted by that, then he was asking what else we use animals for so i told him where we got hamburger and chicken and ham. If only i could have taken a picture of his face. I hope i didn't turn him into a vegaterian!!!
He did end up riding all the rides once, after waiting ten minutes in each line and then only to have him stare at me while on the ride telling me how slow they were going. He found one good thing about one of the rides though. He turned the handle bars into guns (he loves guns everywhere we go he thinks he needs to get a new one)
Yes she is sticking her tounge out at me, that is her new thing she does!
I have to let everyone know about a contest going on over at when 2 became 3, she is giving away a beautiful wrap. I would love to win this. I have used wraps of friends every once in awhile and have just loved the closeness feeling of having Hailey lay against me. I have yet to purchase my own though so this would be perfect for me. All you have to do is head on over there to sign up. Contest ends August 22 at 9:00am.
Good luck!!!
They both love the boxing gloves but me, i could do without them. Since buying them i have been hit more times than i perfer.
This picture was taken of my dad, me and my sister 23 years ago. It was taken in January of 1984. At the time i was 1 1/2 months old, my sister was 2 and my dad was 23. (Don't you just love the constipated look on my face?)
This picture was taken this past February of 2007. It's my dad who at the time of the picture was 46, me who is 23, Caiden is 4 and Hailey was 7 months old. I thought it was a really cool throwback picture because in the first one my dad was 23 yrs. old with his 2 children and in the second one i am 23 years old with my 2 children and my dad is still right there with me.
To join in on Throwback Thursday just head over to the Pinks & Blues Girls and sign Mr. Linky.
I also want to let everyone know about a contest that Adventures in Babywearing is having right now. She is giving away a $75.00 gift certifiacte to Chittypulga, the finest childrens boutique & magazine on the web today. You have until 9pm on Friday to sign up. Good Luck!!!