I have not posted anything in 2 years, working sports and just my crazy schedules sometimes has taken me away from spending time posting on here. My husband and I were going through all my old post last night and i realized how important it was for me to keep up with my blog. There are so many memories that i have already forgotten and by looking back at all my previous posts i was reminded of them again. I want to remember it all and show my kids later in life what they did, what they looked like and help them remember their childhood memories....so my promise to my children is to keep up with this and give them something to remember years from now:)
Caiden is now 8 and is going into 3rd grade this year, my little boy is growing up too fast on me. He hit a major growth spurt this year, this is his before and after 2nd grade pics, the one on the right is the 1st day of second grade and the left is last day of second grade
He plays sports just about year round now, he's very big into wrestling, football and baseball. This weekend starts fall ball, its double headers every saturday, football starts soon too. I really hope that his love for sports always stays with him! It keeps us very busy and can sometimes be too hectic but i wouldnt have it any other way:)
Caiden getting ready to slide into home...SAFE!!!
Hailey is now 5 and will be going to Pre-K this year, its a class inbetween preschool and kindergarden, basically for kids who are 5 and could go to kindergarden but are a very young 5. She turned 5 last month and we went back and forth for a long time on whether to send her or not and decided to wait one more year, if we sent her she would be the youngest in her class gradutating at 17. I guess its just one more year to keep her with me<3
This is Hailey picture of 1st day and last day of preschool, shes growing up so fast that sometimes it makes me want another one...just sometimes:)
Hailey is all girl...everything i was ever warned about and we love everything about her, she loves to dress up and have her hair makeup and nails done but on the other hand she sreams crys and fights for just about everything she wants...and then usually gets her way! Shes such a combination of me and her dad that it makes us laugh and were usually blaming the other..."she gets that from you". She has such a strong personality that i hope stays with her for life, she knows what she wants and will do anything to get it. Shes one part ornry and the other part sweet!!! Always telling everyone how much she loves them and giving her last piece of candy just to make someone else happy, always apologizing when shes done something wrong and caring about us when she thinks were sad, she truely is our little princess!
She will be starting dance this year so there will be many updates to come with that, shes going to love it!
Brad and I just celebrated our 6th anniversary! We have been together for 8 years now and i can honestly say that we are more happy now than we have ever been. We bought a home 3 years ago and are enjoying remodeling it (slowly) and raising our kids together. Brad is now working at the railroad, he's an electrician and he's finally on days...for awhile at least. It's so nice having him home at night now after being on nights for the past 5 years. Im still working part time at a country club, just 3 nights a week, its plenty for me the kids keep me busy enough here at home. We are just enjoying life right now, spending as much time as we can with our kids and each other. Every so often we get our dates night, we love going to the winery and just getting to spend time some quiet relaxing time together. Hopefully theres many more date nights to come:)